Housing Counseling

Our Counseling

HomeStrong USA and participating HUD-Approved Counseling organizations provide a variety of counseling services and programs.

Pre-purchase counseling includes confidential counseling to potential homebuyers on topics such as homebuyer education and financial management. Homebuyer Education focuses on the home-buying and financing process through home-buying courses and/or one on-one counseling. Affordability guidance is also provided by Counselors who can analyze the buyer’s income, expenses, credit history, and assist the homebuyer in determining the maximum mortgage loan amount that he or she can afford.

HomeStrong provides a variety of strategies to intervene in a default and prevent foreclosure. HomeStrong and approved HUD-approved housing counseling organizations deliver foreclosure intervention counseling activities. Counseling includes a range of activities depending on the homeowner’s financial situation and the severity of their mortgage delinquency. Many homeowners in the early stages of delinquency benefit from brief counseling sessions that result in an Action Plan they can follow to get back on track and prevent foreclosure. More complex cases, sometimes involving negotiations with mortgage lenders or servicers, require highly-trained counselors with additional expertise and will take longer to resolve.